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We are proud to announce that we have had our ISO accreditations renewed for another three years!

Gibbons has a series of accreditations which show our customers and suppliers that we work to the highest of standards. Our recent audits took place over 3 days, after which Alcumus ISOQAR awarded us with the ISO accreditations which are valid for three years.

This internationally renowned IOS accreditation are held in high esteem, with over 1 million companies awarded them throughout the world. We were audited against the ISO45001 (health & safety), ISO9001 (quality), and ISO14001 (environmental) standards. The auditors looked through our policies, procedures and working practices within these areas and they also undertook a virtual site audit to view our systems in operation.

We take our health and safety, environmental and quality policies seriously here at Gibbons and we know our customers expect a high level of care and detail to go into our products and services, so we are proud to have accreditations that recognise that. For more information about our series of accreditations, please get in touch with us at

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